My journey into discovering where Art and Tech collide…
Dear Friends & Lovers of Art,
Many of you, like myself, have spent years in the world of art trying to find one-in-a-million pieces that manage to capture something aesthetically pleasing while speaking to the times we live in. That’s why my discovery of this emerging artist left an impressionable mark, reminding me of my own exciting beginnings in seeking and dealing artwork and furnishings.
As technology becomes more autonomous, I’ve often thought about the ways in which it also grows more interconnected with the human collective--how we communicate, feel and create. I think we must now ask ourselves: what can tech achieve without us?

However, in talking to Derek about the process for developing his work, I soon realized that he was facing my existential question head-on. His pieces are particularly special because they were created with the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) software. This collision of "the Artist" with technology is what I wish to share with my clients.
We hope you will pay us a visit this Sunday afternoon discovering this new bold talent during our new art series event, Ancestor Simulation held on November 10th, 2019 at 12:00-5pm, located at 4727 W. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016.
Click here to find an intriguing prologue on the event as well as the necessary Save the Date information. For further inquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Best Regards,
Michele Sommerlath